SSIT & GRK Parent-Child Playgroup

S1-Infants Playgroup (10-18 months)

Within a carefully designed setting, the curriculum stimulates infants’ brain development through a wide range of multi-sensory, language, physical, musical and art activities. By experiencing these interactive and exploratory activities, infants are encouraged to take the first step in learning about the world around them.

Each class includes Story time, Sensory exploration, Physical movement, Musical and Art activities.

Teaching Language: Cantonese / English

S2-Toddlers Playgroup (19-24 months)

The theme-based curriculum is designed to develop a toddler’s skill sets across the five major developmental domains – Cognitive, Language, Physical, Social and Aesthetic. Not only does this approach maximise a child’s potential but it also helps to prepare them for kindergarten by easing the transition and laying a strong foundation for future learning.

Each class includes Phonics fun, Early maths, Story time, Sensory exploration, Physical movement, Musical and art activities.

Teaching Language: Cantonese / English / Putonghua

GRK (19-36 months)

Our GRK (Get Ready for Kindergarten) course simulates a regular kindergarten school day in a bilingual setting, featuring a diverse range of activities that build upon children’s learning systematically. Learning through play, children will enhance self-confidence, independence, active learning skills, and self-care skills by taking part in small-group activities, sensory exploration, and role-play. Additionally, under parents’ guidance, children adapt to school life and look forward to going to school in a calm and joyful way.

Teaching language: Putonghua / English


  • Please DOWNLOAD, print and complete application form.
  • There is no interview for playgroup.
  • Please send us the fee by cheque made payable to “Sophie Education Institution” by post or in person.
  • Offers are subject to availability. We will notify you by email when there is an offer for your child. If a space is not available, your child will be put on the waiting list and we will contact you as soon as a space is available.
  • Please note that all children attending Sophie Kindergarten & Nursery School Playgroup will need to take part in an interview process before admission into Nursery / Kindergarten. Admission to our playgroup does not guarantee a place at our kindergarten.